Hardware Integration Developer
Third-Party Wallet and App Developer
If you want to connect hardware, please use our SDK.
If you want to connect to the software, we support WalletConnect Deeplink method to connect.
Integrated via USB or Bluetooth
Connect OneKey hardware via Bluetooth or usb.
Online debugging tool
Step 1: Install bridge
The web terminal can communicate with hardware only after a hardware bridge is installed.
Setp 2: Debug
You can use a USB connection to the device for debugging APIs.
Integrated Hardware SDK
Offer a hardware SDK to support various applications connecting to OneKey hardware. Supports multiple programming languages.
The specific steps for integrating the SDK.
Integrated via Air Gap
Air Gap is a communication model based on QR codes that ensures an air-gapped transaction.
WalletConnect Integration
We support WalletConnect Deeplink, enabling you to directly connect to OneKey via a deeplink, and then communicate with the blockchain through OneKey.
The OneKey mobile client (iOS, Android) supports the WalletConnect DeepLink connection method.
The premise is that the OneKey client is installed on the user's mobile phone,
Your App can connect to the OneKey mobile client through WalletConnect's DeepLink, for details refer to the Demo and related WalletConnect DeepLink documentation.
Last updated
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