
This method will traverse all inputs that match the current address to sign.

Wallet & Address Type Compatibility

Wallet Type
Address Types Supported

Software Wallet


p2wpkh (Native Segwit), p2tr (Taproot)

Hardware Wallet

Pro, Classic1S

p2tr (Taproot)


async function signPsbt(
    psbtHex: string,
    options?: {
        autoFinalized?: boolean;
        toSignInputs?: Array<{
            index: number;
            address?: string;
            publicKey?: string;
            sighashTypes?: number[];
            disableTweakSigner?: boolean;
            useTweakedSigner?: boolean;
): Promise<string>


  • psbtHexrequired string the hex string of psbt to sign

  • optionsoptional object

    • autoFinalizedoptional boolean: whether finalize psbt after signing, default is true

    • toSignInputsoptional Array: specify which inputs to sign

      • indexrequired number: which input to sign

      • addressoptional string: (specify either address or publicKey) which corresponding private key to use for signing

      • publicKeyoptional string: (specify either address or publicKey) which corresponding private key to use for signing

      • sighashTypesoptional number[]: optional sighash types for the input

      • disableTweakSigneroptional boolean: default is false. Set true to use original private key when signing taproot inputs

      • useTweakedSigneroptional boolean: force whether to use tweaked signer. Higher priority than disableTweakSigner


Promise<string> — the hex string of signed psbt


const provider = (window.$onekey && window.$onekey.btc) || window.unisat;

try {
    // Basic signing
    const signedBasic = await provider.signPsbt("70736274ff01007d....");

    // Advanced signing with options
    const signedAdvanced = await provider.signPsbt(
            autoFinalized: false,
            toSignInputs: [
                    index: 0,
                    address: "",
                    index: 1,
                    publicKey: "",
                    sighashTypes: [1]
                    index: 2,
                    publicKey: "",
                    disableTweakSigner: true
    console.log('Signed PSBT:', signedAdvanced);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Failed to sign PSBT:', error);
    // Handle signing errors appropriately


Last updated