Ethereum: Sign transaction
Asks device to sign given transaction using the private key derived by given BIP32 path. User is asked to confirm all transaction details on OneKey.
Copy const result = await HardwareSDK.evmSignTransaction(connectId, deviceId, params);
Copy HardwareSDK.evmSignTransaction(connectId, deviceId, {
path: "m/44'/60'/0'",
transaction: {
to: '0xd0d6d6c5fe4a677d343cc433536bb717bae167dd',
value: '0xf4240',
data: '0xa',
chainId: 1,
nonce: '0x0',
maxFeePerGas: '0x14',
maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x0',
gasLimit: '0x14',
chainId: 1
Copy HardwareSDK.evmSignTransaction(connectId, deviceId, {
path: "m/44'/60'/0'",
transaction: {
to: "0x7314e0f1c0e28474bdb6be3e2c3e0453255188f8",
value: "0xf4240",
data: "0x01",
chainId: 1,
nonce: "0x0",
gasLimit: "0x5208",
gasPrice: "0xbebc200"
chainId: 1
Copy {
success: true,
payload: {
v: string, // hexadecimal string with "0x" prefix
r: string, // hexadecimal string with "0x" prefix
s: string, // hexadecimal string with "0x" prefix
Copy {
success: false,
payload: {
error: string, // error message
code: number // error code
Transaction Signing and Broadcasting example
Copy import type { UnsignedTransaction } from '@ethersproject/transactions';
import { TransactionTypes, serialize } from '@ethersproject/transactions';
import { keccak256 } from '@ethersproject/keccak256';
function buildSignedTxFromSignatureEvm({
}: {
tx: UnsignedTransaction;
signature: {
v: string | number; // '0x11' , '17', 17
r: string; // prefix 0x
s: string; // prefix 0x
}) {
const { r, s, v } = signature;
* sdk legacy return {v,r,s}; eip1559 return {recoveryParam,r,s}
* splitSignature auto convert v to recoveryParam
const sig = splitSignature({
v: Number(v),
const rawTx = serialize(tx, sig);
const txid = keccak256(rawTx);
return {
// 1. Create transaction parameters
const txParams = {
to: '0x7314e0f1c0e28474bdb6be3e2c3e0453255188f8',
value: '0x0', // Default to 0 if no value
data: '0x', // Empty data
chainId: 1,
nonce: '0x0',
// For EIP-1559 transaction
maxFeePerGas: '0x14', // 20
maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x0', // 0
gasLimit: '0x5208', // 21000
// For legacy transaction
// gasPrice: '0x14', //
// 2. Sign the transaction
const result = await HardwareSDK.evmSignTransaction(connectId, deviceId, {
path: "m/44'/60'/0'",
transaction: txParams,
// 3. Build signed transaction
const baseTx = {
nonce: parseInt(txParams.nonce, 16),
gasLimit: txParams.gasLimit
value: txParams.value,
chainId: txParams.chainId,
// Add EIP-1559 specific fields
const isEIP1559 = txParams?.maxFeePerGas || txParams?.maxPriorityFeePerGas;
if (isEIP1559) {
Object.assign(baseTx, {
type: TransactionTypes.eip1559,
maxFeePerGas: txParams?.maxFeePerGas
maxPriorityFeePerGas: txParams?.maxPriorityFeePerGas
} else {
Object.assign(baseTx, {
gasPrice: txParams.gasPrice,
// 4. Build final transaction with signature
const { rawTx, txid } = buildSignedTxFromSignatureEvm({
tx: baseTx,
signature: result.payload
// 5. Broadcast the transaction
// const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider();
// const broadcastedTx = await provider.sendTransaction(rawTx);
// 6. Wait for confirmation
// const receipt = await broadcastedTx.wait();
// console.log('Transaction confirmed:', receipt);