
Dynex: sign transaction

Signs the given Dynex transaction with the private key derived by given BIP32 path. User is asked to confirm the transaction details on OneKey.

const result = await HardwareSDK.dnxSignTransaction(connectId, deviceId, params);

Use requirement

  • Firmware version required

    • classic: 3.8.0


connectId: string

  • Unique identifier for the connection

deviceId: string

  • Unique identifier for the hardware device

params: object

  • path: string - BIP32 path (e.g. "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") [required]

  • inputs: array - Array of transaction inputs [required]

    • prevIndex: number - Previous output index

    • globalIndex: number - Global index

    • txPubkey: string - Transaction public key

    • prevOutPubkey: string - Previous output public key

    • amount: string - Input amount

  • toAddress: string - Destination address [required]

  • amount: string - Transaction amount [required]

  • fee: string - Transaction fee [required]

  • paymentIdHex: string - Optional payment ID (must be 32 bytes)


const response = await HardwareSDK.dnxSignTransaction('connect1', 'device1', {
    path: "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0",
    inputs: [{
        prevIndex: 0,
        globalIndex: 323,
        txPubkey: "0d708b68003ae5fee4c9f9aad56a8cfdb0a5dcbcdd2e3fc18eb813349457a78c",
        prevOutPubkey: "ff4df9a9fc83e48f2c0242c4d94f3906546a889950bccd8ba4392f3e7886c3a1",
        amount: "1000000000"
    toAddress: "XwmxTF8FxAy2s5cvtS62oSGxY3fzvDcgo2CiJ6rrpz9te68sApSDs3LQihubFtpsfT5z6NYHZzMKUjavNpTkW46i2dYgHBULG",
    amount: "1000000000",
    fee: "100000",


Success response:

    success: true,
    payload: {
        path: string,              // BIP32 path used for signing
        txKey: {
            ephemeralTxSecKey: string,  // Transaction secret key
            ephemeralTxPubKey: string   // Transaction public key
        computedKeyImages: string[],    // Array of computed key images
        signatures: string[],           // Array of signatures
        outputKeys: string[]            // Array of output keys

Error response:

    success: false,
    payload: {
        error: string,
        code: number

Last updated