
Dynex: get address

Display requested address derived by given BIP32 path on device and returns it to caller. User is asked to confirm the export on OneKey.

const result = await HardwareSDK.dnxGetAddress(connectId, deviceId, params);

Use requirement

  • Firmware version required

    • classic: 3.8.0


connectId: string

  • Unique identifier for the connection

deviceId: string

  • Unique identifier for the hardware device

params: object

  • path: string - BIP32 path (e.g. "m/44'/29538'/0'/0/0") [required]

  • showOnOneKey: boolean - Whether to display address on device (default: true)

For batch addressing:

  • bundle: Array of objects with above parameters


// Get single address
const response = await HardwareSDK.dnxGetAddress('connect1', 'device1', {
    path: "m/44'/29538'/0'/0/0",
    showOnOneKey: true

// Get multiple addresses
const bundle = await HardwareSDK.dnxGetAddress('connect1', 'device1', {
    bundle: [
        { path: "m/44'/29538'/0'/0/0", showOnOneKey: false },
        { path: "m/44'/29538'/0'/0/1", showOnOneKey: false }


Success response for single address:

    success: true,
    payload: {
        address: string,     // Dynex address
        path: string        // BIP32 path used

Success response for multiple addresses:

    success: true,
    payload: [
        { address: string, path: string },
        { address: string, path: string }

Error response:

    success: false,
    payload: {
        error: string,
        code: number

Firmware Requirements

  • Minimum firmware version: 3.8.0

Last updated