
Ethereum: sign message

Asks device to sign a message using the private key derived by given BIP32 path.

  • Follows EIP-191 personal_sign standard

  • Not for EIP-712 typed data signing.

  • Use evmSignTypedData to signing EIP-712 (v3 and v4)

const result = await HardwareSDK.evmSignMessage(connectId, deviceId, params);


Optional common params

  • pathrequired string | Array<number> minimum length is 3. read more

  • messageHex - required string message to sign in hex text

  • chainId - optional number The ChainId in ETH is a unique identifier for a specific Ethereum network, used to distinguish different versions of the blockchain. Reference.


// Original message
const message = "Hello OneKey";

// Convert to hex
const messageHex = Buffer.from(message).toString('hex');

HardwareSDK.evmSignMessage(connectId, deviceId, {
    path: "m/44'/60'/0'",
    messageHex: messageHex,
    chainId: 1


    success: true,
    payload: {
        address: string,
        signature: string,


    success: false,
    payload: {
        error: string, // error message
        code: number // error code

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