Sign and Send Transaction

Once a transaction is created, the web application may ask the user's OneKey wallet to sign and send the transaction using their account's private key and NEAR JSON RPC connection.

By far the easiest and recommended way of doing this is by using the requestSignTransactions method on the provider, but it is also possible to do with request.

In both cases, the call will return a Promise for an object containing the transactionHashes.

const transaction = ... // create Transaction first

const res = await provider.requestSignTransactions({
  transactions: [transaction], // must be Array type
console.log('requestSignTransactions', res, res.transactionHashes);

Also transaction can be serialized to base64 string first before method calling.

const transaction = ... // create Transaction first

const transactionSerialized = transaction.encode().toString('base64');

const res = await provider.request({
  method: 'near_sendTransactions',
  params: {
    transactions: [transactionSerialized], // must be Array type
console.log('near_sendTransactions', res, res.transactionHashes);

Last updated