
Ripple: Sign transaction

Asks device to sign given transaction. User is asked to confirm all transaction details on OneKey.

const response = await HardwareSDK.xrpSignTransaction(connectId, deviceId, params)


Optional common params

  • pathrequired string | Array<number> minimum length is 3. read more

  • transaction - required XrpTransaction type

XrpTransaction Type

type XrpTransaction = {
    fee: string;
    flags?: number;
    sequence: number;
    maxLedgerVersion?: number; // Proto: "last_ledger_sequence"
    payment: RipplePayment;

type XrpPayment = {
    amount: string;
    destination: string;
    destinationTag?: number;


HardwareSDK.xrpSignTransaction(connectId, deviceId, {
    path: "m/44'/144'/0'/0'/0",
    transaction: {
        fee: 12,
        flags: 0,
        sequence: 32841006,
        maxLedgerVersion: 32841630,
        payment: {
            amount: 1000000,
            destination: 'rwgumKP89VhMrJ4dRkGVS4tafRfAmZmKf8',


    success: true,
    payload: {
        signature: string;
        serializedTx: string;


    success: false,
    payload: {
        error: string, // error message
        code: number // error code

Last updated

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