
NEM: Sign transaction

Asks device to sign given transaction. User is asked to confirm all transaction details on OneKey.

const response = await HardwareSDK.nvmSignTransaction(connectId, deviceId, params)


Optional common params

  • pathrequired string | Array<number> minimum length is 3. read more

  • transaction - required NEMTransaction type

NEMTransaction Type

type MosaicID = {
  namespaceId: string;
  name: string;

type MosaicDefinition = {
  levy?: {
    type?: number;
    fee?: number;
    recipient?: string;
    mosaicId?: MosaicID;
  id: MosaicID;
  description: string;
  properties?: Array<{
    name: 'divisibility' | 'initialSupply' | 'supplyMutable' | 'transferable';
    value: string;

export type NEMMosaic = {
  mosaicId: MosaicID;
  quantity: number;

type Modification = {
  modificationType: number;
  cosignatoryAccount: string;

type Message = {
  payload?: string;
  type?: number;
  publicKey?: string;

type TransactionCommon = {
  version: number;
  timeStamp: number;
  fee: number;
  deadline?: number;
  signer?: string;

export type NEMTransferTransaction = TransactionCommon & {
  type: 0x0101;
  recipient: string;
  amount: number | string;
  mosaics?: NEMMosaic[];
  message?: Message;

export type NEMImportanceTransaction = TransactionCommon & {
  type: 0x0801;
  importanceTransfer: {
    mode: number;
    publicKey: string;

export type NEMAggregateModificationTransaction = TransactionCommon & {
  type: 0x1001;
  modifications?: Modification[];
  minCosignatories: {
    relativeChange: number;

export type NEMProvisionNamespaceTransaction = TransactionCommon & {
  type: 0x2001;
  newPart?: string;
  parent?: string;
  rentalFeeSink?: string;
  rentalFee?: number;

export type NEMMosaicCreationTransaction = TransactionCommon & {
  type: 0x4001;
  mosaicDefinition: MosaicDefinition;
  creationFeeSink?: string;
  creationFee?: number;

export type NEMSupplyChangeTransaction = TransactionCommon & {
  type: 0x4002;
  mosaicId: MosaicID;
  supplyType: number;
  delta?: number;

type Transaction =
  | NEMTransferTransaction
  | NEMImportanceTransaction
  | NEMAggregateModificationTransaction
  | NEMProvisionNamespaceTransaction
  | NEMMosaicCreationTransaction
  | NEMSupplyChangeTransaction;

export type NEMMultisigTransaction = TransactionCommon & {
  type: 0x0102 | 0x1002 | 0x1004;
  otherTrans: Transaction;

export type NEMTransaction = Transaction | NEMMultisigTransaction;



HardwareSDK.confluxSignMessage(connectId, deviceId, {
    path: "m/44'/43'/0'/0'/0",
    transaction: {
        type: 0x0101,
        recipient: "TALICE2GMA34CXHD7XLJQ536NM5UNKQHTORNNT2J",
        amount: 2000000,
        timeStamp: 74649215,
        fee: 2000000,
        deadline: 74735615,
        version: -1744830464


    success: true,
    payload: {
        signature: string;


    success: false,
    payload: {
        error: string, // error message
        code: number // error code

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